Monthly Update & Yearly Update - Dec2015 to Jan2016

Hey guys here's an update on the past month and a bit. 

What I’ve done:

Not related to Taj Packs: 

Christmas, Holidays and Health:

Munich holidays were awesome. It was cold and sunny. We walked around so much I was sore for the next few days. We saw a bunch of sights and got a few photos :)  (mostly textures :/)

Christmas was great! We got to spend Christmas with my Aunty and Nan for the first time. I had so much fun in the cold and we ate heartily! I didn't eat for like a whole day when I got back to Hove (on the 4th).  

In terms of health, my husband and I have been gettig tests for various things. My husband's epilepsy is being explored further and I have a problematic pregnancy in August which I've been dealing with physically ever since. And incase anyone asks, we're both doing fine mentally. More tests to come. 


I'm very proud of my little sister, she had a little baby girl - Lireal earlier this month. This makes us a very proud Aunty and Uncle. When we get back to Brisbane I'll be spoiling her to the best of my ability. - No pictures but trust me she's lively and adorable. 

Work on D&D game campaign:

Oh man! my D&D campaign is going very differently to what I had previously imagined. But it's a lot of fun. I've got players destroying my world in the most amusing ways. It's a lot of fun. 

TEFL Course:

TEFL course is a little difficult  and I've been distracted this month by multiple things. But it is coming along. I hope to finish it before April.

Fan Art:

The week before travelling for Christmas I did some fan art for Critical Role's Vox Machina. Most specifically I modelled a bust of Grog in Disney's Infinity style.

Grog's final form

Grog's final form

Grog being setup in Meshmixer. I have more research to do here.

Grog being setup in Meshmixer. I have more research to do here.

It got a lot of good reception from the Critters and I'm super happy to say that Travis Willingham who voices Grog loves it too. The next step is making Grog 3D printable and coloured. I have work on it to do if I want to make the bust 3D printable. 

Related to Taj Packs: 

Plugin Media:

Well this month I managed to score a paying job with Plugin Media. It's been amazing there with really lovely people and a lot of fun things. I can't say too much about what I've been doing but I can say it's for a game, and it's environment work. 

Which means that I've done nothing on my Taj Packs. At all. The contract ends in a week so in February I'll be picking it up again.

Invisibit studios:

Invisibit Studios still has me in their employ and want to keep me for as long as I'm around. I'm doing animations for them.

So all in all, nothing's really happened with the Taj Packs

What I’m going to do this month:

This month I’m going to push myself to get the following done:

Global Game Jam 2016:

The GGJ2016 is happening next month starting Friday. I plan to be there to help out with 3D art.  

Vex, Vax and Trinket

Vex, Vax and Trinket

Lunch Crunches:

I’m going to be working on my fanart stuff during lunches for about an hour or so. These could be recorded and placed up on Youtube at a later date. At the very least I'll be taking screenshots and posting it up.

TEFL Course:

This is important to finish before April. I need to get over this hurdle and just work on the teaching stuff for this. 

Freelance Stuff:

I have Plugin Media, Invisibit Studios and my own other contract to fullfill this and next month. I plan to make headway on most of the latter two contracts. 

Taj Packs:

I honestly don't think I'll get much done during this contract but if I do, it'll be the quick and easy to churn out tileable environment grounds. 

What I’m having issues with:


I have to prioritize what is most important this and the coming month.  

Currently it looks like the following:

  1. Plugin Media (for another week)
  2. TEFL Course (Due in April)
  3. Freelance Animations (paid gig)
  4. Invisibit Studios
  5. Taj Packs
  6. Fan Art
  7. Job Searching - still important but it's not something I need to do right now because of the contracts I have. 

Anyway, that's it for now. Later guys!



Monthly Update Feb to March (with Game Jam Images)


Monthly Update - November to December