Normal Maps fixed and Eurovision

The normal maps are working (YAY!) - they need some refinements but it should be alright. Turns out I moved the height of the scuplted Orc in Blender so that the feet touched the ground and then I did my retoplogy. I exported the decimated mesh and placed it into Xnormal to fix that Normals issue.

Needs refining but it's only the main body so I might just need to re-export the main lowpoly body and put it through Xnormal like I did the orc features.

Needs refining but it's only the main body so I might just need to re-export the main lowpoly body and put it through Xnormal like I did the orc features.

Now to play with AO maps and Diffuse maps more. Sadly I’m behind in my 3D scheldule, I’m going to have to go into ‘crunch’ this week. Maybe even work a bit on my birthday - we’ll see.

I could do all the ‘3D work’ by Tuesday as I predicted but there would be no rig or animations. Which I suppose I could add to the pack later. Not to mention I have to think over my Animation list. It's something I'm going to have to think about this weekend and solidify on Monday.

But now, Eurovision! Cause I’ve been working on a different project all day and I deserve a little brake time. Looking forward to Austraila's competing song (not a huge Guy Sebastian fan though) and UK's Electric Velvet - they're a great band.


Diffuse maps and timetable adjustments


Orc Work and the normal map issue.