After several months of searching for jobs and moving about I've come to the conclusion that I should get as much art done as possible. The animations I'm working on won't go towards money directly. It will help on my portfolio and it's something I am enjoying. 

The thought of Gumroad, Unity Store and Unreal Store came to my mind recently. And I feel a little pocket money is something I should look at doing. And if I can sell a pack on this website I'll be posting it up here too. 

So here's some WIP designs for my characters 

these are my preliminary character sketches. I've been using many good designs as a base tom come up with my own. I'm keeping in mind that I want them low-poly, stylised, used for tablet games like RTS or Tower Defence games. It also occured to me that something like a story game like D&D would work well too. 


Moved in and "working"


Animations: Don't Starve Wilson. Update1